Restorative Cleaning

1/26/16 - Restorative Carpet Cleaning - State College, PA

Carpet cleaners are challenged by neglected carpets and heavily soiled carpets which require more knowledge and expertise. The property manager dropped by and was simply amazed at the difference.


Here is the process we used to restorative clean heavily soiled carpets:

  • Pre-Inspection - After identifying the carpet and all of the stains we first had to pre-treat and pre-spot the stains on the carpet.
  • Pre-Conditioning - For berber style carpet we use special pre-conditioners and boosters to breakdown difficult soils and general spots.
  • Pre-Spotting - Difficult spots were pre-treated with special spot and stain removers to increase chances of removal.
  • Pre-Grooming - A professional carpet grooming machine is used to lift matted down carpet fibers and further loosen the soil and spots from the carpet fibers.
  • Soil Extraction and Rinse - After allowing plenty of dwell time, we started removing the dirt and contaminants by rinsing the carpet. Using our patented van-powered cleaning system, the water is super heated to 240 degrees to thoroughly rinse the carpet. Not only do we get the carpet clean but by using extremely hot water we can remove many of the pollutants and contaminants as well. Since we are using an advanced van-powered cleaning system, drying of the carpets normally takes only a few hours.
  • Neutralizing - A special neutralizer is used to restore the pH balance so that no sticky residue is left behind. This also leaves the carpet soft and fresh.
  • Post-Spotting - Any spots or stains still remaining will get extra treatment with our many specialty spotting solutions.


What better time to clean your carpets
than right now. Call 814.355.1762 today!